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The United Kingdom

Population64.72 m
Surface area241,300 km2
Official Languages241,300 km2
Gross domestic product (GDP) (2014)$2,990
CurrencyPound sterling
Human development index (HDI), an index based on life expectancy, education and GDP (max. 1)0.907
World rank14
Key economic sectors (% of GDP in 2003)Services (78); industry (21); agriculture (1)
Leading companiesHSBC at £130,213m. (US$161,403m.), with British American Tobacco the second largest at £99,651m. (US$123,520m.)
Unemployment in February 20105·1% (Nov 2015 – Jan 2016)
Main religious denominationsChristian, 59·3% of the population; no religion, 25·1%; Muslim, 4·8%;
Political systemThe party best represented in the lower chamber of Parliament (the House of Commons) after a general election normally forms a government, which is accountable to Parliament. General elections to the House of Commons must be held after at most 5 years. Certain powers were devolved to a Scottish Parliament and assemblies in Wales and Northern Ireland in 1998.
Electoral systemSimple majority (first-past-the-post) system for Westminster elections; additional member system for Scotland and Wales; Single Transferable Vote for Northern Ireland
Current (March 2010) leadersHead of State: Queen Elizabeth II (b. 1926), since 1952
Prime Minister: Theresa May (since 2016)
Previous leaders:Prime Minister: David Cameron (2010 – 2016)
Joined the EU/EC1973
Commissioner from country in Barroso II College of Commissioners, and portfolioCatherine Ashton (High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the Commission)
Number of MEPs73
Turnout in 2014 EP elections (%)35.6 (34.7 in 2009)
Member of eurozoneNo

Except where a specific reference is inserted, the sources for this profile are either Neill Nugent’s book itself, or Barry Turner (ed.), The Statesman’s Yearbook Online, Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan. If your library subscribes, you can gain access at
