

Regional Editors are primarily responsible for finding and briefing Article Contributors for each Article Topic for their section(s) in their country. The article topics are listed here.

Regional Editors are responsible for reviewing each article within 3 weeks from submission by the relevant Contributor, and for deciding on appropriate actions to ensure the quality of the final product.

The key point is that the Regional Editor has the primary responsibility for the content of the resource within their Section/Country, including:

  • Content of the articles, especially ensuring the right ARTICLE OUTLINE is followed
  • Structure
  • Keywords
  • Further reading recommendations
  • References

Overview articles should be commissioned in the first instance.

Where appropriate, Regional Editors are welcome and encouraged to write articles themselves, particularly the Overview articles for each section. 

Contributors will preferably be university academics residing and/or affiliated to an academic institution in the country concerned. Where recruiting such a contributor will prove not possible, practitioners with relevant expertise and with proven ability to write academic content can be considered, but every such appointment must be pre-approved by the Editor-in-Chief and/or Bloomsbury editor.

It is the Regional Editor’s responsibility to ensure that contributing Contributors write in acceptable, clear English, prior to engaging them on the project.

Articles can be written by more than one contributor, but never by more than three. In such cases, the contributors will be issued with a joint contract, and jointly responsible for the delivery.

Contributors should be encouraged to write more than one article, where appropriate.

The writing time for Contributor should be 2 months per article.

The remuneration for Regional Editors is £12 per article. The remuneration for contributors is £40 per article. This will be paid on acceptance for publication by Bloomsbury of a finished article that has been accepted by both the Regional Editor and the relevant Editor in Chief.

A Contribution Information Grid is provided within which Regional Editors will be asked to map out their progress with recruiting Contributors. This spreadsheet will also be used as a basis for the Publisher to formalize arrangements with the Contributors. Alternatively, Regional Editors can request individual new contributor contracts through this form.