

Does BECS have an ISBN?

Yes - platform related ISBN: 9781474209151

Is my chapter classified as book chapter or journal article?

Book chapter.

Can I get a letter to attest that my article was peer-reviewed and accepted for publication?

Yes, please email your request to becs@bloomsbury.com and will we provide you with one. 

Can I archive a copy of my article in my institutional repository?

As part of our Green Open Access policy, we allow contributors to upload up to one article in their institutional repository six month after publication at no cost. 

The Green OA policy is outlined here: https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/academic/open-access

The author just needs to complete this form and email it to claire.weatherhead@bloomsbury.com

I cannot deliver my article by the due date in my contract. What shall I do?

Pleas contact your Regional Editor to agree a revised delivery date, or let them know if you are no longer available to deliver the article. 

When will my article publish?

Your article will be reviewed by the Regional Editor and the Editor in Chief for your section. You can check your article's status by logging into the BCM, and from your Dashboard clicking on the MY DIGITAL WORKFLOW AREA button. If the article has reached stage 7.6, it has been approved and has gone or will shortly go into production. Articles go into production twice a year, in preparation for the two yearly updates. 

To make the SPRING update, your article must go into production by early October of the previous year. 

To make the AUTUMN update, your article must go into production by the end of May of the same year. 

When your article goes into production, a member of our team will be in touch to let you know and to arrange your payment. 

Will I get access to BECS?

Yes, if your article is approved for publication within one of the two yearly updates, a member of our marketing team will be in touch shortly before the update goes live with your complimentary login details. Alternatively, please request a free trial for your institution. 

Can I get a discount on Bloomsbury books?

As a contributor, you may purchase any works published by us at a discount of 40% from list price for personal use and not for resale. Such books shall we payable immediately on presentation of the Publishers' invoice. Email becs@bloomsbury.com for more information.