
Further Reading and Online Sources

Please provide a list of 5-10 further reading recommendations or further online sources relevant to your article. These suggested readings should be unique from the sources listed in the references section.

Please follow the references bibliographic format with your recommendations.

Suggestions for further reading should consist of the most relevant texts and online sources and preferably, those that are available to the general public. Obscure and otherwise hard-to-find works should be avoided.

While the majority of the sources need to be available in English, feel free to include 1-2 particularly crucial resources in the local language. If you do so, please include the reference in English and note that the language that the resource is available in.

To ensure longevity of links to online resources supplied please follow the following best practice

  • Link to primary sources where possible
  • Where possible list only well-established or institutional websites
  • Try to avoid linking to anything that might be removed from the web
  • When you have a choice of sources to link to, choose whichever one is likely to be more stable
  • If linking to an academic work use the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) where available
  • Link to the report landing pages rather than specific documents / PDFs
  • Use the most compact and direct URL available
  • Do not use link shorteners