
BCM Instructions for Authors

The Bloomsbury Content Manager (hereafter BCM) is an online submission system used by authors contributing to one of Bloomsbury’s Digital Resources or Major Reference works. All submissions will be dealt with via the BCM. 


Your editorial contact will set up an account for you, assigning a username and password. These login credentials will be sent to you in an introductory email with the subject line 'Welcome to BECS'. 

To start using the BCM, open a web browser and go to https://contentmanager.bloomsbury.com/signin/-13220 and enter your login details. 


Here you will find any articles that have been assigned to you. Consider it your 'to-do list'. 


Remember: You must submit the article using the Article Template for your assigned topic, ensuring you following the Style Guidelines and ISCED qualifications

When you are ready to submit your article, log into the BCM, following the link to your article through the Tasks Dashboard, and click on UPLOAD ARTICLE CONTENT, browse to your file and open. 

You must upload a Word document. 

Once done, click SAVE and the article will be updated with the newly uploaded file. You can return to this edit screen and make amends to the uploaded file multiple times. 

To complete this stage, click SUBMIT UPDATES, which enables the editorial contact to review the article. 

NB: Once the article has been submitted, you will no longer be able to edit it. If you made a mistake, or wish to make an edit, your editorial contact will need to reassign the article back to you. Please contact them to arrange this. 


This is the revision stage. You will be notified by email and directed to use the link given in the email to log into the BCM and access the article via ITEMS TO ACTIONCOMPLETE TASK.

Under Step 1, you are asked to download the latest version of the manuscript (the draft article reviewed by the Editor). You can download via the link which is supplied or by clicking DOWNLOAD under LATEST MANUSCRIPT further down the page.

The Editor’s comments should be easily identified as tracked changes. Please review the comments and make necessary amendments with track changes still showing. Once your revised article is ready, click UPDATE ARTICLE CONTENT, browse to your file, and open. Add any notes you wish to include. Once done, click SAVE and the article unit will be updated with the new uploaded file. You can return to this edit screen and make amends to the uploaded file multiple times.

To complete the stage, click SAVE (Step 2), which enables the In-house editor to review the article. If further changes are required, your editorial contact can reassign the article back to you. You will be notified by email and directed to use the link given in the email to log into the BCM and access the article via ITEMS TO ACTION → COMPLETE TASK.