Planning Your Dissertation 3rd Edition - Development Studies

1.d Development Studies - Report-style structure

The political ecology of HIV/AIDS in the Eastern Cape, South Africa


  1. Introduction

1.1 Argument for the study

1.2 Aim

1.3 Chapter outline

  1. Literature review

2.1 Context / situation: HIV / AIDS in a resource poor context

2.2 Theoretical approach 1 [Political ecology]

2.3 Theoretical approach 2 [Social capital]

2.4 Conclusion

  1. Research questions and methodology

3.1 Aim and objectives

3.2 Focus groups and interviews

3.3 Individual experiences of living with HIV

3.4 Participant observation

3.5 Photographic evidence

3.6 Evaluation of methods

  1. Findings from case study

4.1 Food security and HIV

4.2 Roles of government policy

4.3 Importance of gender equality

4.4 Fostering resilience by building social capital

  1. Conclusions

5.1. Summary of the argument

5.2 Reiteration of aim and value of the study

5.3 Key findings

5.4 Suggestions for future research (theoretical and practical)


Thanks to Robbie Georgiou (student, Geography and Development Studies) for his kind permission to refer to his work.
