
Chapter Five

T is for Talk: Short Film (ABC’s of Death)

The ABCs of Death is an anthology horror comedy film comprising 26 different short films, as 26 chapters.  Different directors spanning fifteen countries produce each film. Each director chooses a word, and then creates a low budget (under $1,000), four-minute story, involving death.  T is for Talk depicts the entrapment and torture of helpless captives in a forced experiment by a machine.


Caitlin Bennet, Campbell Cooley, Matthew Darragh, Anzel Greyling, Benjamin The, Ally Xue  


Writer/Director: Peter Haynes

Producers: Nick Burridge, Johnathan Guest, Peter Haynes Hweiling Ow

Cinematographer: Nick Burridge

Editing: Nick Burridge, Peter Haynes

Production Design: Nick Burridge, Peter Haynes

Set & Special Effects: Johnathan Guest

Sound Designer/Re-recording MixerKahra Scott-James

On Sound:

The soundtrack for T is for Talk consists mainly of foley, sound and sound design effects.  Central to the story is the machine, which the audience doesn’t really see, only a façade and an arm, so sound design helped to create the machine, physically and psychologically.  No/low budget films rely heavily on sound to enhance (and cheat) the visuals and story.  You don't necessarily need to see something, sound can do some of the “heavy lifting”. 

Film Clip

T is for Talk: Fill Mix and Production Sound

Duration: 9:15