
Chapter 7: The evidence of impact for co-designed massive open online collaborations on the Sustainable Development Goals

We have established that globally, teachers need access to quality professional development, and that collaborative co-designed MOOCs reimagined as Massive Open Online Collaborations (CoMOOCs) have the potential to achieve this. This approach goes beyond teaching to offering the potential for scaling up professional development in many areas, such as engineering and health care, that are core to meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals. But what is the evidence that open online learning can influence the practice of such professionals? This chapter reports on the evaluation of the CoMOOC model for scaling up teacher and other kinds of professional development. We demonstrate their effectiveness drawing on multiple forms of qualitative data documenting the 5 cycles of value creation: immediate, potential, applied, realized and reframing. We examine the leadership required throughout the tertiary sector for this model to contribute to the scale of impact the UNSDGs need. 

Key words

UNSDGs, CoMOOCs, TPD, global inequality, university mission statements, knowledge development, lessons from the pandemic, THE impact ranking, Value Creation Framework (VCF)   

There are 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. You can find out more about the goals here.