
Chapter 5: Balancing the benefits and costs of quality online learning

How much does online learning cost? This is a critical question, yet the answer is invariably evaded. The chapter presents an analysis of the costs of online courses using the Course Resource Appraisal Modeller (CRAM) which provides an activity-based costing approach to the preparation and delivery time for specified learning designs. This analytical tool, tested in a university course development context, promotes the planning of quality online learning that is focused on the learning experience of the students, and provides teachers with better knowledge of what it takes to support a high quality and inclusive learning experience, both in the short and long term. The chapter explores the ways digital methods can benefit different kinds of students, and the associated time costs for the teacher. The implications of the teacher-activity-based costing approach to planning online learning for the sustainability of courses, the care of staff and the experience of learners. 

Key words

Activity based costing, teacher workload, blended learning, online learning, teaching costs, learning design, Course Resource Appraisal Modeller, sustainability, high quality learning experience, course costing models

The Course Resource Appraisal Modeller (CRAM) is a tool developed at UCL Knowledge Lab to assist in analysis of the costs and learning benefits of online teaching. The digital tool is available to download here along with course designs that you can use as starter kits for your own costings, and video tutorials to guide your use of the tool.

To override Mac OS preferences which may prevent the tool from opening, click on the name of the application and use ctrl+click to open.