
Note from the Author

This update feature is designed to supplement the textbook, International Business. A word of explanation is appropriate at the outset, to say why this feature is being launched and what it aims to achieve. 

Textbooks are sometimes viewed rather narrowly as a body of material which must be learned by students, assuming a cut-off date when the author(s) finished writing it. Encouragingly, many lecturers and students seek updated information, partly wishing to find out ‘what happened next’, but also to gain deeper knowledge and be better equipped to face tomorrow’s challenges. This update feature accords with that approach, providing an easily accessible source for update material. 

The world of international business is constantly changing, and there have been significant developments since the text of this book was finalized in March 2008. This update feature will highlight many of those changes, linking them to the discussion in the book, so that readers are able to relate current events and trends to background information and analysis which appear in the chapters. This new material is grouped under the following headings:

  • The global economy – issues and challenges gaining international attention
  • Country spotlights – developments in countries featured in the country focus features
  • Companies in the news – developments involving companies and industries featured in the case studies and country focus features

hese update notes contain mainly new information and do not repeat background material which appears in the text, so familiarity with the text is needed in order to benefit from these updates. 

Readers are referred to other up-to-date sources for further comment and analysis on the major issues. Where possible, precise web links to relevant articles are provided. These are correct at the time of online publication, but they may go out of date in subsequent months. If this happens, students and lecturers should be able to locate the material by searching the relevant websites (such as www.economist.com or www.ft.com) or by referring to print copies held at university libraries. 

We hope that readers will find these brief notes informative, engaging and beneficial in illuminating the themes of the book.

Janet Morrison
