Intermediate Microeconomics by Robert Mochrie - Learning Resources_Stu
Student essay bank

Here you will find selected essays written by students on interesting real-world topics. The essays act as examples of good writing to inspire your own academic work but also help shed light on the relevance and applicability of microeconomics to everyday life.

Click below to download the essays.

Student essays from the book

01 Galbraith - Fair Trade - | PDF Document | (0.292Mb)

02 Gotzelmann - volunteering - p.39 | PDF Document | (0.919Mb)

05 Blumli - mobile handsets - p.129 | PDF Document | (0.986Mb)

06 MacPherson - Carrier bags - p.135 | PDF Document | (0.889Mb)

08 Turton - serving sizes - p.235 | PDF Document | (0.968Mb)

09 Ricca - nationalization - p. 246 | PDF Document | (0.596Mb)

11 Wanjiku - mobile money - p.279 | PDF Document | (0.505Mb)

12 Murray - music economy - p.282 | PDF Document | (0.380Mb)

13 Lovell - loyalty cards - p.295 | PDF Document | (0.795Mb)

17 Cowan - literature - p.493 | PDF Document | (0.511Mb)

18 Harris - specialist stores - p.580  | PDF Document | (0.456Mb)

19 Madden - rational addiction - p.611 | PDF Document | (0.662Mb)

22 Hansen - gasoline - p.10 | PDF Document | (0.964Mb)

Additional student essays

Straume - Studying overseas | PDF Document | (0.720Mb)

Wyer - Student discounts | PDF Document | (0.474Mb)
