Intermediate Microeconomics by Robert Mochrie - About this Book
About this book

Why are you reading this? Whatever your answer may be, by coming to this website you have made a choice. And whenever a choice is made, it’s potentially a subject for microeconomic analysis. Intermediate Microeconomics is designed to teach you to think like a microeconomist, applying economic principles to the behaviour of people, businesses and organisations. From running a fruit market to solving congestion, this book will help you to understand and evaluate how we behave.

Through its innovative problem-solving approach, Intermediate Microeconomics is designed to help you actively engage with the subject. Economic theory and analytical techniques are introduced together, and a wealth of examples and exercises allow you to put your learning into practice. As an inquiring economist, you’ll learn how to make economic arguments and how to evaluate them.

Intermediate Microeconomics:

  • relates the principles of microeconomics to real-life applications through recognisable examples and helpful exercises, and supporting online student essays
  • covers standard theory and models of intermediate microeconomics, as well as exciting contemporary topics such as behavioural economics and principles of game theory
  • balances a maths-based approach with verbal and graphical explanations of ideas
  • features a wide range of online material, including a lecturer testbank and manual, student MCQs, essays and much more.

Please explore the website and resources to find out more about the book and the fascinating world of microeconomics.
