Intermediate Microeconomics by Robert Mochrie - About this Book_Table
Table of contents

Part I Markets in Context

1. Key principles
2. Markets in context

Part II Resource Allocation for People

3. Affordability
4. Preferences
5. Utility functions
6. The most preferred, affordable bundle
7. Demand functions
8. Price changes
9. The CES utility function

Part III Resource Allocation for Firms

10. Production
11. Cost Functions
12. Costs and Planning
13. Firm Supply in Perfect Competition
14. Equilibrium in Perfect Competition

Part IV Market Power

15. Monopoly
16. Price discrimination
17. Oligopoly
18. Game theory: concepts
19. Game theory: applications

Part V: Welfare

20. Exchange
21. Production and distribution
22. Externalities
23. Public goods

Part VI: Behaviour

24. Personal choice
25. Inter-temporal choice
26. Choice and risk
27. Rationality and behaviour

Part VII: Applying Game Theory

28. Games with imperfect information
29. Product differentiation
30. Auctions
31. Afterword
