
Exercise 5 (Chapter 1)

Are the following claims true or false? If a claim is false, provide evidence to this effect.

1. A Prepositional Object always has the form of a PrepP.

2. A NP necessarily consists of more than one word.

3. An Adjunct can be a finite clause, a non-finite clause, a PrepP, an NP or an AdjP.

4. A Subject Complement is never realized by an AdjP.

5. An Object Complement is never realized by an AdjP.

6. A Prepositional Complement is a type of Prepositional Object.

7. A PrepP can complement a noun, an adjective or a verb.

8. A Subject Complement can be realized by an AdvP.

9. Object of a Preposition is a function at the level of the clause.

10. An Indirect Object is necessarily realized as an NP.