
Exercise 19 (Chapter 4)

Choose a logical verb from the verbs below and complete the sentences using an appropriate perfect tense (that is, past perfect, present perfect or future perfect). If progressive aspect is possible, choose it. Then, for each sentence, indicate what kind of perfect it is: continuative, indefinite or repetitive.

know            read          buy          cost           teach

call               eat             lie            be

1. By the time we get home next week, this trip _______ us nearly 3000 €.

2. I _______ in the sun for a couple of hours when I started feeling weak and dizzy.

3. They _______ each other since childhood. They’re best friends.

4. Prior to his arrest, the suspect _______ the victim’s mobile phone regularly.

5. She _______ a new computer. All she has to do now is learn how to use it.

6. We _______ to Egypt twice in the past five years. We should go somewhere else this year.

7. This time next year, I _______ English at this university for 15 years.

8. She _______ a big lunch that day, and that’s why she didn’t order dessert after dinner.

9. I can’t tell you the number of times my daughter _______ the Harry Potter series.