
Exercise 2 (Chapter 1)

Complete the sentence with one of the following words. Then identify all Subjects, Subject Complements, Direct Objects and Object Complements.

musty; eager; lavender; peckish; happy; manageable

1. They seem _______ to start working.

2. We want to paint our house _______.

3. Aspirin will help keep the pain _______.

4. This hotel room smells _______.

5. I’m feeling _______ – can we eat soon?

6. The news made all of us very _______.

impatient; an idiot; sour; disappointing; sceptical; interim director

1. They elected her _______.

2. This milk tastes slightly _______.

3. He remains somewhat _______ of the plan.

4. The critics found the novel _______.

5. Did you actually call me _______?

6. The children are growing _______.
