

Object Complement

An Object Complement (OC) ascribes a property to the DO. It can be an NP (They called him a liar) or an AdjP (Let’s paint the room dark purple). Makenameconsider and elect are examples of verbs that are often (but not always) used with an OC: That makes me angry; They named her Sarah; I consider him the best candidate; They elected her president. A clause can sometimes function as an OC as well: I call that stretching things too far. (AEG Ch. 1)

Object of a Preposition

An Object of a Preposition is the syntactically obligatory constituent, usually taking the form of an NP, that directly follows a preposition in a PrepP:on the table, since last week, right under his nose. Other forms are occasionally found as well: I'm interested in where I can buy some postcards. Object of a Preposition is a function that relates to the phrasal level rather than the clausal level. That is, it refers to a function within a phrase. (AEG Ch. 1)

ongoingness, see aspect

open class, see lexical verb

open interrogative, see information interrogative clause