
Chapter 10 Food and Farming


Fig 10.1 Insects are crucial to biodiversity and sustainable farming

By Mourice Flesier – Own work, CC By -SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=107907072. Photos: Harvesting: Mourice Flesier, Wikimedia Commons Bee: Ingrid Schudel.

Featured websites 

Website 10.1 Reasons to grow calendula
Seven reasons to grow calendula explained in simple language with supporting photographs.

Website 10.2 How to make a wormery

Website 10.3  Pollinated foods
An online cookbook that explores new recipes featuring ingredients that rely on pollination services.

Website 10.4 World bee day
The United Nations Food and Agriculture site which supports world bee day and examines the importance of bees in food and agriculture.

Website 10. 5 Waggle dance
A BBC film that explains how bees communicate information about the distance and direction of nectar through a precisely choreographed dance.

Website 10.6 Honeyguide’s Revenge
The text and pictures of the Zulu folktale about a greedy young man who fails to appreciate the help he has received from the honeyguide bird.

Website 10.7 Come On In to Coobana 
How Fairtrade bananas are grown and produced in Panama

Picture books

Lilly’s Garden of India by Jeremy Smith (Ticktock Media 2003). 
A story about the properties of different plants and flowers and their place in Indian culture, which includes details of how to grow your own marigolds.

Other resources

A series of short, upbeat films about fair trade and climate change with portraits of people who live and work on co-operatives.

Food waste
A focus on food wastage from the UN Food and Agricultural Organisation suitable for older children.

Images of nature
This website showcases a selection of beautiful photographs which focus especially on the natural world and shapes and patterns in nature.