
Chapter 1   Sustainability: A Hybrid Concept

Fig 1.1 Earthrise
NASA Images at the Internet Archive, Wikimedia Commons

Fig 1.3  Sustainability definitions

Fig 1.4 Planetary limits

Greta Thunberg speech
A recording of Greta Thunberg’s passionate speech on the need for climate action to the United Nations Assembly in 2019

Planetary boundaries 
Johan Rockstrӧm argues that we have ten years to transform the future of the Earth in this hard-hitting TED talk

The Earth Charter
The Earth Charter is a declaration that sets out the principles for building a just, sustainable and peaceful world.  This visionary statement was drawn up after extensive consultation remains as valid today as when it was drawn up in 2000.

The living planet report  
Every two years the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) publishes a report on the state of wild life around the world.  The latest report (2000) reveals that Nature is in freefall with many creatures have declining by around two thirds since 1970