
Video Library » Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Work and livelihoods

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Productivity and efficiency at work

The following video explains Taylorism as one of the most significant approaches developed in 20th century industry, which has revolutionized the nature of work and society.

Taylorism ABC World Report

Discussion questions:

  • What were the key ideas behind Taylor’s efforts to improve productivity?
  • What were the main criticisms of Taylorism? What do you think are some of the benefits and downsides of Taylorism?
  • Think back to a job you have had. Did this job have elements of Taylorism? What did you like or dislike about these aspects of the Taylorist approach?
  • What can and should psychologists do to ensure people have meaningful and decent work?

Workplaces and workers’ mental health

The following videos have been selected in order to reflect key areas of concern for work psychologists including worker stress, workplace conditions and the demands of jobs.

My Job is Killing Me - Managing Your Stress

Discussion questions:

  • How can people improve their stress management at work?
  • Is it realistic to expect individual workers to be solely responsible for their workplace stress levels? How else might workplace stress be reduced?

Ex-Amazon workers talk of 'horrendous' conditions

Discussion questions:

  • Why do you think a large corporation such as Amazon might chose to set up a warehouse in a former coal mining town in the UK?
  • Why would you or would you not take a job at Amazon if you lived in this town?
  • What are the strategies Amazon uses to reduce labour costs?
  • How does Amazon control and discipline its workers?
  • Given that Amazon is now one of the most profitable companies on the planet, do you think it is treating its workers fairly? What can workers do? What can the rest of us do?
