
Video Library » Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Social psychology and place

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Spaces of care for elders

The following video is about an assisted living facility for people with dementia. This particular place has been deliberately constructed to reflect the strongest memories of its residents.

Home Recreates Past for Dementia Patients

Discussion questions:

  • Why would you (or not) want your older relatives to reside in a place like the Georgian Bay Retirement Home if they had dementia? Would you want to be here yourself?
  • What might some of the psychological benefits be of this specially constructed place compared to other institutions for people with dementia?
  • Does it matter that the residents are not living in ‘reality’? Explain. 

Rules defining urban places

This clip provides an example of the extent to which urban places are overlaid with rules and norms, which we often take for granted even though they may not make much logical sense.

Orlando Couple Cited for Code Violation for Front Yard Vegetable Garden

Discussion questions:

  • Why is someone’s front yard not considered the ‘right’ place to grow vegetables?
  • Why are some places right for some uses and not for other uses?
  • Who decides these rules about places? Why do we conform to them?

Environmental psychology

The following video is a brief summary of the key ideas of Niki Harre’s book about the application of mainstream psychological research and theories to improving the environment.

Psychology for a Better World

Discussion questions:

  • Is achieving a healthier and more sustainable environment too hard or something we can never agree on?
  • What are the three core ideas from this area of mainstream psychology that may be able to aid environmental appreciation and pro-environmental action?
  • How can we harness positivity to encourage change to improve the environment?
  • What might some of the limitations be of the mainstream research drawn on in this video?

The following resource offers an interactive tool for students to gain a greater awareness of the environmental impacts of their everyday consumption practices and resource use.

WWF Footprint Calculator

