

The book has been endorsed by a wide range of academics from institutions across the UK, Europe and the US:

Reviews of the final manuscript

    For me the innovative elements of this book include: case study material from developing countries; the discussion of HRM issues such as work-life balance and diversity from a more international perspective; and an international authorship.

    -Dr. Karen Williams, Senior Lecturer in Employment Relations, the School of Business and Economics, University of Swansea, UK

    I enjoyed reading this text. I found it innovative in terms of themes that are included, particularly chapters reflecting on social issues such as ethics, diversity and work life balance in relation to HRM is very progressive. I feel that the volume would be a good fit with advanced level UG and PG courses.

    [...]I really like the critical, contextual and contemporary feel of the book. These three characteristics make the book an appealing choice for postgraduate courses.

    [...]I would like to use this book as core reading. I can see that it can be recommended reading in a wide range of courses.
    -Mustafa Ozbilgin, Professor of Organisational Behaviour, Brunel Business School, London, UK and Co-Chaire Management et Diversité, Université Paris-Dauphine, France

    I found the book innovative in its strong intellectual foundations, which are often lacking in HRM texts, and the depth of its foundations… It would be a most valuable addition to our reading lists.

    [...]The academic level is, in most instances, relatively high. It is critical, with chapters drawing on an extensive range of sources. It is generally a higher academic standard than many competing volumes… I liked the general academic standard, and the inherently critical approach.

    [...The pedagogy is] quite well thought out, and indeed very helpful.

    -Prof. Geoffrey Wood, Professor in Human Resource Management, University of Sheffield, UK

Reviews of the initial proposal

    …a very interesting text, with strong editors and potential authors. It complements a quite full market in terms of IHRM books by taking a critical perspective, and would be suitable for use at undergraduate and graduate levels it appears. Diversity, ethics, CSR, etc.: these are the type of topics often included in a final chapter of an HRM text book, but rarely receive in depth coverage. This is a good focus for the book and a strength. For the Dutch market, the global authorship will help the multiple perspectives desired for the book.

    -Elaine Farndale, Tilburg University, The Netherlands and Assistant Professor, The Pennsylvania State University, Labor Studies and Employment Relations

    What is quite innovative about this book is its attempt to bring in aspects of compliance, ethics, and other social aspects that are typically not addressed by HRM texts. They recognize the importance of understanding how HRM leads to performance, but argue that this is only a fraction of the responsibility of HRM. I believe the contributions from such a book would not necessarily be all that new to our understanding of critical management, but would provide students an alternative approach to understanding HRM as a field of research that plays a much larger role than just a support function to increase firm performance and competitive advantage.

    -Shad Morris, Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University, USA

    The proposed textbook seems to be of high quality, edited and written by scholars who are eminent in their field. I consider the biggest contributions of the textbook the following: 1) its international focus (esp. examples from Continental Europe and Asia, two regions that have received hardly any attention in previous textbooks in HRM). 2) Its focus on CSR and ethics, which will fill a real gap in the current textbook offering in HRM and satisfy a burning need in business schools. One of the authors, Dr. Robin Kramar, has already demonstrated her ability to write high-quality textbooks in HRM. Many business schools are currently facing huge pressure to include content related to ethics and CSR in their curriculum.

    -Monika Hamori, Professor of Human Resource Management, IE Business School, Spain

    This book proposal is to be welcomed… it takes a less common and less prescriptive and Anglo-centric approach to areas of HRM, unlike too much in this area. Thus, it proposes to look at factors influencing the way people are used in organizations, critical thinking and analytical abilities that can be successfully applied to challenge assumptions. These are all excellent ideas, as is the idea to use a diverse and multinational team of authors… There is the trend for HR courses, such as in more general business and management programmes, to become shorter and more concentrated in delivery.

    -Professor Chris Rowley, Director, Centre for Research in Asian Management, Cass Business School, City University, London, UK
