
Useful Apps

Apps that students can download to keep up to date with important news and to find data).

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The following sites have apps that can be downloaded so that you can keep up to date on news in general and follow IR and IPE stories in particular. We have chosen broadcasters from different countries so that you can sample a variety of approaches.

(Australian Broadcasting Corporation) news from the Australian public broadcaster. http://www.abc.net.au/services/mobile/

News from the British public broadcaster with a global reach.

Deutsche Welle
News from a German perspective

World news from a French perspective.

UN News
Latest news from the United Nations news service

Al Jazeera English
News from the Middle East and developing world.

National Public Radio
News from an American viewpoint proved by a public broadcaster.

International Organizations:

IMF News and Data
The app gives iPad users access to a broad range of statistical datasets including a selection from the International Financial Statistics. In addition, it provides access to the latest editions of non-statistical IMF publications such as the World Economic Outlook, Global Financial Stability Report, Fiscal Monitor, and Regional Economic Outlooks. It also provides access to IMF news and videos.

IMF Finances
Provides ten years of IMF financial data in aggregate and country format. You can quickly and visually track lending arrangements, payments, and credits of various countries.

IMF eLibrary
Access and visualize IMF data. Browse through data from flagship IMF publications such as International Financial Statistics and dive deeply into specific datasets covering investment, official reserves, financial soundness and more.

World Bank Apps
A series of apps covering:

  • World Bank at a Glance
    Basic information and Gide to the Bank
  • Poverty and Inequality Data finder
    Bank data on poverty and inequality
  • World Bank Data Finder (World Development Indicators)
    Provides data on a wide range of development indicators.
  • World Bank Data Finder (Climate Change)
    Quick access to Bank's data on climate change.
  • World Bank Africa Data Finder
    50 years of Bank Data on Africa
  • World Bank Finances
    App provides info on Bank lending. Where are the loans going?
  • Women of the World
    Info on the condition of women around the world.

UN Country Stats
UN country stats in table or bar graphs

G-20 data
PGI Data Explorer
Data on G-20 countries created in response to financial crisis.


Human Rights Watch
Reports, articles and videos on human rights issues around the world.

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
News and info on humanitarian disasters.
