
Timelines of key dates in global political economy

Pre 1945

1497Portuguese fleet pass Cape of Good Hope, southern Africa on route to India
1519–21Spanish Conquest of the Aztec Empire (Mexico)
1500Transatlantic slave trade begins
1603Dutch East India Company (VOC) establishes a base in Indonesia
1652Dutch establish a base at the Cape, South Africa
1700–1800Height of the Atlantic Slave trade
1757British East India Company takes over Bengal, India
1760–1840Industrial Revolution in Britain
1858British Government takes control of India from British East India Company
1881–1941Scramble for Africa
1839–42First Opium War
1856–1860Second Opium War
1868Meiji Restoration and Japanese industrial revolution
1860–71Height of the international gold standard
1905Japanese victory over Russia
1914–18First World War
1917Russian Revolution
1929US stock market crash
1929–39Great Depression
1939–45Second World War

Post 1945

1944Bretton Woods Conference (IMF and IBRD founded)
1948Indian independence
1948Chinese revolution
1948First GATT agreement
1957European Economic Community created
1971Nixon shock, end of dollar – gold standard
1973First oil crisis
1979China begins economic opening to the West
1979Second oil crisis
1981IBM Personal Computer released
1982Beginning of Third World Debt Crisis
1985Microsoft Windows released
1989Collapse of the Soviet Union
1995Founding of WTO
1995Euro introduced
1997East Asian Financial Crisis
2002Walmart becomes world’s largest TNC
2007I-Phone released 2007
2008Oil hits a high of $145.00 per barrel
2008US Credit Crisis
2009First BRIC summit
2010Beginning of European Sovereign Debt Crisis
2015Chinese sponsored Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank created
2015COP 21 sets climate change target of 2C warmer than industrial revolution
2016Trans Pacific Partnership signed
2017US withdraws from the Trans-Pacific Partnership
2018NAFTA renegotiated as the US-Mexican Canadian Trade Agreement
2018Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for the Trans-Pacific Partnership comes into effect
2019School strike for the climate becomes a global movement
2020UK leaves the European Union (future relationship to be negotiated)
2020Spread of Covid 19 / coronavirus threatens global health and the global economy
