
“This highly practical book is relevant to today’s dynamic work environment where change, empowerment, leadership, and the entrepreneurial role of managers are core themes. The case studies, insights, and illustrative examples alongside the findings from research make this text a perfect fit for any practice-oriented management course!
— Florentin Popescu, Arnhem Business School, The Netherlands

“As the world becomes more complex, management becomes increasingly challenging. This heightens the value of effective management. In this easily readable and eminently practical textbook, Sternad demonstrates the necessary tools, knowledge, and skills to succeed in the work environment of the 21st century.
— Allan J. Sim, University of Aberdeen, UK

“Sternad gets it right with his comprehensive overview and effective structure – one can literally see the line of thought and follow it. The appendix on the history of management alone is worth buying this book! Moreover, the emphasis on the need for self-management as well as the key role of leadership for managing others is commendable. While management has come a long way, it is baffling why so many mistakes are still made. Sternad’s book can hopefully fill a gap by stressing the need for consistent excellence in management to achieve organizational goals.
— Roland Berberich, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China

“This is an extremely valuable text for undergraduate, postgraduate and executive development courses in management. It demonstrates the realities of managerial work through real-life challenges and case studies.
— Jennifer Nzonzo, Monash University, South Africa

“Sternad has created a most valuable learner-centered resource. It provides well-selected, state-of-the-art examples from around the globe focusing on effective managerial practice and people-oriented leadership. Discussing topics such as appreciating diversity, intercultural collaboration, and virtual teamwork, Sternad emphasizes the opportunities and challenges that emerge in our digitalized and globalized environment. In doing so, he illustrates the importance of values-based and ethical behavior for an organization to be sustainably successful. Based on seminal and current research, this textbook offers the latest insights into practical management that students will appreciate and benefit from.
— Alain Neher, Charles Sturt University, Australia

“Effective Management helps readers to develop key skills for the workplace. I would definitely recommend this book to my students!
— Scott Tuppen, Swansea University, UK

“An ambitious and brave undertaking - I am particularly impressed by the emphasis on developing learners' management skills and career readiness. This approach injects life into management study, making it an exciting contribution to the discipline which I applaud enthusiastically.
— Henry Shi, University of Adelaide, Australia

“Effective Management is a well-researched text that provides thoughtful consideration of the application of management theory in practice. Key themes of relevance to managers today are presented in an interesting and accessible manner. The book provides a useful resource for both students on academic programs and practitioners across all sectors.
— Dorothy McKee, Ulster University, UK and Dorothy McKee Consulting
