
Chapter 4

Introductory discussion: (beginning of chapter)

  • The Whet your Appetite section of this chapter prompts students to identify the asserted benefits of raw food diets.
    • Ask students to contrast the experience of eating certain types of food when raw versus cooked, e.g. animal protein (meat or fish), eggs, grains (corn or rice), root vegetables, fruit
    • Inquire whether there are differences across global cuisines in the consumption of certain food items as cooked or raw.
    • Encourage students to identify strengths and limitations (even dangers) of the raw food trend.
  • Next, the Amuse Bouche asks about the popularity of the Paleo diet trend.
    • Students should first identify the guidelines of the modern paleo diet, including the types of foods that are encouraged and prohibited from consumption.
    • Again, prompt students to identify the known benefits and limitations of this diet trend.
  • Encourage students to about this appeal of a (mythical) ancestral past. Where else do we see calls to return to an earlier time, and what is the attraction of the past?

Chapter 4 Learning Objectives

  • Apply terms from evolutionary psychology and natural selection.
    • Interpret evidence from comparative anatomy to distinguish across hominins
    • Describe the cooking hypothesis and advantages of cooked food
  • Describe food procurement and foraging:
    • Provide examples of reflexes
    • Recognize fixed action patterns
    • Apply models of food selection including optimal foraging theory and the matching law
  • Differentiate the terms genotype and phenotype.
    • Define the thrifty phenotype and genotype and their advantages for survival under certain conditions
    • Identify emotional primaries and their contribution to patterns of eating
    • Compare the bases for disgust and food rejection


    The Cooking Hypothesis

    Fixed Action Patterns


    Optimal Foraging Theory and The Matching Law

    Salvage Selections

    Lactase Persistence