Testing Talk - Cited Publications

Cited Publications

Byman Frisén, L., Sundqvist, P., & Sandlund, E. (2021). Policy in practice: Teachers’ conceptualizations of L2 English oral proficiency as operationalized in high-stakes test assessment. Languages, 6(4), 204. 

Henry, A., Sundqvist, P., & Thorsen, C. (2019). Motivational practice: Insights from the classroom. Studentlitteratur.

Nyroos, L., & Sandlund, E. (2014). From paper to practice: Asking and responding to a standarized question item in performance appraisal interviews. Pragmatics & Society, 5(2), 165–190. 

Nyroos, L., Sandlund, E. (2017). Code-switched repair initiation: The case of Swedish eller in L2 English test interaction. Journal of Pragmatics, 120, 1–16. 

Sandlund, E. (2004). Feeling by doing: The social organization of everyday emotions in academic talk-in-interaction. (Karlstad University Studies, 2004:36) [Doctoral dissertation, Karlstad University]. DiVA. 

Sandlund, E. (2022). Telling in a Test: Storytelling and task accomplishment in L2 oral proficiency assessment. In A. Filipi, B. T. Ta, & M. Theobald (Eds.), Storytelling practices in home and educational contexts: Perspectives from conversation analysis (pp. 175–200): Springer. 

Sandlund, E., & Greer, T. (2020). How do raters understand rubrics for assessing L2 interactional engagement? A comparative study of CA- and non-CA-formulated performance descriptors. Papers in Language Testing and Assessment, 9(1), 128–163. 

Sandlund, E., & Sundqvist, P. (2011). Managing task-related trouble in L2 oral proficiency tests: Contrasting interaction data and rater assessment. Novitas-ROYAL, 5(1), 91–120.

Sandlund, E., & Sundqvist, P. (2013). Diverging task orientations in L2 oral proficiency tests – a conversation analytic approach to participant understandings of pre-set discussion tasks. Nordic Journal of Modern Language Methodology, 2(1), 1–21. 

Sandlund, E., & Sundqvist, P. (2016). Equity in L2 English oral assessment: Criterion-based facts or works of fiction? Nordic Journal of English Studies, 15(2), 113–131. 

Sandlund, E., & Sundqvist, P. (2019). Doing versus assessing interactional competence. In M. R. Salaberry & S. Kunitz (Eds.), Teaching and testing L2 interactional competence: Bridging theory and practice (pp. 357–396). Routledge. 

Sandlund, E., & Sundqvist, P. (2021). Rating and reflecting: Displaying rater identities in collegial L2 English oral assessment. In M. R. Salaberry & A. R. Burch (Eds.), Assessing speaking in context: Expanding the construct and its applications (pp. 132–161). Multilingugal Matters. 

Sandlund, E., Sundqvist, P., & Nyroos, L. (2016a). Research-based professional development workshops for EFL teachers: Focus on oral test interaction and assessment. Nordic Journal of Modern Language Methodology, 4(1), 24–48. 

Sandlund, E., Sundqvist, P., & Nyroos, L. (2016b). Testing L2 talk: A review of empirical studies on second language oral proficiency testing. Language and Linguistics Compass, 10(1), 14–29. 

Sundqvist, P. (2009). Extramural English matters: Out-of-school English and its impact on Swedish ninth graders’ oral proficiency and vocabulary (Karlstad University Studies, 2009:55) [Doctoral dissertation, Karlstad University]. DiVA. 

Sundqvist, P., Sandlund, E., & Nyroos, L. (2014). National speaking tests in English – does group size matter? LMS Lingua(3), 29–31. 

Sundqvist, P., Sandlund, E., Nyroos, L., & Wikström, P. (2013). Genomförande och bedömning av nationella muntliga prov i engelska: en pilotstudie.KAPET, 9(1), 24–45. 

Sundqvist, P., Sandlund, E., Skar, G. B., & Tengberg, M. (2020). Effects of rater training on the assessment of L2 English oral proficiency. Nordic Journal of Modern Language Methodology, 8(1), 3–29. 

Sundqvist, P., & Sylvén, L. K. (2016). Extramural English in teaching and learning: From theory and research to practice. Palgrave Macmillan. 

Sundqvist, P., Wikström, P., Sandlund, E., & Nyroos, L. (2018). The teacher as examiner of L2 oral tests: A challenge to standardization. Language Testing, 35(2), 217–238. 

Tengberg, M., Borgström, E., Lötmarker, L., Sandlund, E., Skar, G. B., Sundqvist, P., Walkert, M., & Wikberg, K. (2017). Likvärdig bedömning av elevers språkförmågor. Preliminära resultat från ett ämnesdidaktiskt forskningsprojekt.