Testing Talk - Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Discussion questions for excerpts (recordings)

All transcripts of excerpts are displayed in Chapter 6 in the book. Below, please find clickable links to the accompanying audio files, along with discussion questions for each.

Excerpt 6.1 Audio “Should I also talk now”

·       How do you interpret the instances of code-switching in this excerpt?

·       In what ways should code-switching in interactions where test-takers share another language than the language tested play a role in assessing L2 proficiency?

Excerpt 6.2 Audio “but is it important”

·       Would you expect that the teacher’s turn in line 10 has a prompting or hindering effect on subsequent talk?

·       If you only had access to this excerpt, what would your initial assessment of Ann’s proficiency be? Why?

Excerpt 6.3 Audio “but I think that’s stju:pid”

·       What evidence of interactional competence can you find in this excerpt, for Mia and Ann respectively?

·       How do the test-takers stay on topic, and show that their contributions relate to the topic at hand? Which linguistic and interactional resources are used to display topic maintenance?

Excerpt 6.4 Audio “but what can we learn from history”

·       Examine closely the teacher’s questions and the test-takers’ responses. What do the questions, in their design, set up for? What response alternatives to the questions are possibe for the test-takers?

·       How is disagreement managed in this sequence? For example, when the teacher’s question yields a non-agreeing answer?

Excerpt 6.5 Audio “only annoying not dangerous”

·       Look closely at the ways in which this sequence is co-constructed. How do test-takers (Bill and Jen) build on each others’ turns?

·       This sequence is described as having a ‘natural’ flow to it. Discuss what ‘natural’ can mean in the context of testing, whether you agree with the description, and whether you can find evidence to support what ‘natural’ may mean here.

Excerpt 6.6 Audio“you’re in danger you can call 911”

·       Compare your views on Jen’s performance a) linguistically, and b) interactionally. Is there a difference? How does this matter for assessment?

·       What does this sequence reveal about Bill’s interactional competence? How?

Excerpt 6.7 Audio “Disagree or agree” - 6.7a, 6.7b

·       In this excerpt, the test-takers make use of the topic card instructions for accomplising the task. How would you value this in terms of how ‘natural’ the conversation is?

·       Look at Table 6.2 in Chapter 6. Do you agree with the different assessments assigned to the test-takers? Why/why not?