
The resources below are designed to help you use Technology Management by Dilek Cetindamar, Rob Phaal & David Probert.

Chapter summaries | Word Document | (0.06Mb)

Figures | PowerPoint | (1.49Mb)

Glossary | Word Document | (0.074Mb)

Tables | PowerPoint | (1.28Mb)

Download suggested web links

Chapter 02 | Word Document | (0.104Mb)

Chapter 03 | Word Document | (0.130Mb)

Chapter 04 | Word Document | (0.112Mb)

Chapter 05 | Word Document | (0.114Mb)

Chapter 06 | Word Document | (0.104Mb)

Chapter 07 | Word Document | (0.093Mb)

Chapter 08 | Word Document | (0.057Mb)

Chapter 09 | Word Document | (0.053Mb)

Chapter 10 | Word Document | (0.05Mb)

Chapter 11 | Word Document | (0.05Mb)

Chapter 12 | Word Document | (0.055Mb)

Chapter 13 | Word Document | (0.056Mb)
