Student zone: weblinks

Scroll down to see weblinks for chapters 1-15.

Chapter 1

For convenience, all of the institutions and organisations mentioned in this chapter are listed below with their web sites

Chapter 2

The latest information on equipment

Chapter 3

For assessing the accuracy of a theodolite and angle measurement, consult

  • BS 5606: 1990 Guide to accuracy in building (British Standards Institution [BSI], London). BSI web site http://www.bsi-global.com/
  • BS 5964: 1996 (ISO 4463: 1995) Building setting out and measurement (British Standards Institution, London). BSI web site http://www.bsi-global.com/
  • BS 7334-4: 1992 (ISO 8322-4: 1991) Measuring instruments for building construction. Methods for determining accuracy in use of theodolites. (British Standards Institution, London). BSI web site http://www.bsi-global.com/
  • ISO 17123–3: 2001 Optics and optical instruments – Field procedure for testing geodetic and surveyinginstruments – Part 3: Theodolites (International Organisation for Standardisation [ISO], Geneva). ISO web site http://www.iso.ch/
  • Deutsches Institut für Normung DIN 18723-3: 1990 Field procedure for precision testing of surveying instruments; theodolites (DIN e.V., Berlin). DIN web site http://www.din.de/
Chapter 4

  • BS 5606: 1990 Guide to accuracy in building (British Standards Institution [BSI], London). BSI web site www.bsi-global.com/
  • BS 5964:1996 (ISO 4463: 1995) Building setting out and measurement (British Standards Institution, London). BSI web site www.bsi-global.com/
  • BS 7334-3: 1990 (ISO 8322-3:1989) Measuring instruments for building construction. Methods for determining accuracy in use: optical levelling instruments. (British Standards Institution, London). BSI web site http://www.bsi-global.com/
Chapter 5

  • For assessing the accuracy of a total station, consult BS 7334-8: 1992 (ISO 8322-8: 1992) Measuring instruments for building construction. Methods for determining accuracy in use of electronic distance measuring instruments up to 150 m. (British Standards Institution [BSI], London). BSI web site www.bsi-global.com/
  • Deutsches Institut für Normung DIN 18723-6:1990 Field procedure for precision testing of surveying instruments; electro-optical distance measuring instruments for short ranges (DIN e.V., Berlin). DIN web site www.din.de/
  • ISO 17123–4: 2001 Optics and optical instruments – Field procedure for testing geodetic and surveying instruments – Part 4: Electro-optical distance meters (EDM instruments) (International Organization
  • for Standardization [ISO], Geneva). ISO web site www.iso.ch/
Chapter 6

For specifications in control surveys and setting out, consult

  • BS 5964 (ISO 4463): 1996 Building setting out and measurement (British Standards Institution, London). BSI web site www.bsi-global.com/
Chapter 7

  • A useful journal is GPS World, which is published monthly by Advanstar Communications Inc. The web site for this journal is www.gpsworld.com/
  • English Heritage (2003)Where on earth are we? The Global Positioning System (GPS) in archaeological field survey. http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/
  • Look in Publications – Free publications and search for ‘Where on Earth are we?’; Direct download (June 2005): www.english-heritage.org.uk/upload/pdf/where_on_earth_are_we.pdf.
  • Although this is written with archaeologists in mind, it provides a very useful introduction to the concepts of GPS and its application in mapping
Chapter 8

The most important web site for this chapter is the Ordnance Survey National GPS Network which is accessed on www.gps.gov.uk/

Other sites of interest are
Chapter 9

  • For information on specifications, consult: BS 5606: 1990 Guide to accuracy in building (British Standards Institution [BSI], London). BSI web site http://www.bsi-global.com/
  • BS 5964: 1996 (ISO 4463: 1995) Building setting out and measurement (British Standards Institution, London). BSI web site http://www.bsi-global.com/
  • BS 7334: 1992 (ISO 8322: 1991) Measuring instruments for building construction (British Standards Institution, London). BSI web site http://www.bsi-global.com/
For the latest information on least squares software available from survey equipment manufacturers, visit the following web sites:

Chapter 10

For the latest information on computer-aided surveying software, consult:

  • Fort, M. J. (2003) Surveying for geomatics software. Engineering Surveying Showcase 2003, No. 2, pp. 33–49. www.pvpubs.com/
  • Software Systems, Electronic Surveying Supplement, Civil Engineering Surveyor (2004) Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors, pp. 58–63; www.ices.org.uk/
  • Thinking about software? (2004) Engineering Surveying Showcase 2004, No. 2, pp. 38–51. www.pvpubs.com/
  • For the latest information on terrestrial laser scanning, consult:
  • The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (2004) An introduction to terrestrial laser scanning. Downloadable from the RICS website at www.rics.org/
  • Terrestrial laser scanners for survey (2004) Engineering Surveying Showcase 2004, No. 1, pp. 34–5. www.pvpubs.com/
  • Uff, J., Barber, D. and Mills, J. (2004) On the workbench: software for laser scanning. Engineering Surveying Showcase 2004, No. 2, pp. 25–9. www.pvpubs.com/
  • For the latest information on LiDAR, consult: Schnurr, D. and Partridge, D. (2004) Making sense of LiDAR. Engineering Surveying Showcase
  • 2004 , No. 1, 42–5. www.pvpubs.com/
Chapter 11

  • For the latest information on laser safety, consult IEC 60825-1: 1993+A1:1997+A2:2001, Ed 1.2 (2001-08), Safety of Laser Products – Part 1: Equipment Classification, Requirements and User’s Guide, International Electrotechnical Commission, 3 rue de Varembé, Geneva, Switzerland, August 2001. www.iec.ch/
  • IEC 60825-14: Ed 1.0 (2004-02), Safety of Laser Products – Part 14: A User’s Guide, International Electrotechnical Commission, 3 rue de Varembé, Geneva, Switzerland, Feb 2004. www.iec.ch/
  • R. Henderson and K. Schulmeister (2004) Laser Safety. Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol. For the latest information on quality assurance and accuracy, consult BS 5606 (1990) Guide to Accuracy in Building. British Standards Institution (BSI), London. www.bsi-global.com/
  • BS 5750-8:1991 (1991) Quality Systems. Guide to Quality Management and Quality Systems Elements for Services. British Standards Institution, London. BS 5964 (1990 and 1996) Building Setting Out and Measurement. British Standards Institution, London.
  • BS 7307 (1990) Building Tolerances: Measurement of Buildings and Building Products. British Standards Institution, London.
  • BS 7308 (1990) Methods for Presentation of Dimensional Accuracy Data in Building Construction. British Standards Institution, London.
  • BS 7334 (1990, 1992) Measuring Instruments for Building Construction Parts 1, 2 and 3 – 1990, Parts 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 – 1992. British Standards Institution, London.
  • EN 29004-2:1993 (1993) Quality Systems. Guide to Quality Management and Quality Systems Elements for Services. European Committee for Standardisation. www.cenorm.be/
  • ISO 4463-1 1989: Measurement Methods for Building – Setting Out and Measurement – Part 1: Planning and Organization, Measuring Procedures, Acceptance Criteria. International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Geneva. www.iso.ch/
  • ISO 7078: 1985 Building Construction – Procedures for Setting Out, Measurement and Surveying – Vocabulary and Guidance Notes. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva. ISO 8322: 1991 Building Construction – Measuring Instruments – Procedures for Determining the Accuracy in Use. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva.
  • ISO 17123: 2001–2005 Optics and Optical Instruments – Field procedures for testing geodetic and surveying instruments. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva.
Chapter 12

For the latest information on the design of circular curves, consult

  • Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, Volume 6 Road Geometry, Section 1 Links, Part 1 TD9/93 – incorporating Amendment No. 1 dated Feb 2002 – Highway Link Design. Jointly published by the Overseeing Organisations of England, ScotlandWales and Northern Ireland, that is, The Highways
  • Agency, the Scottish Executive Development Department, The National Assembly for Wales (Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru) and The Department for Regional Development Northern Ireland. The manual can be accessed and printed from the Internet at: www.officialdocuments co.uk/document/d eps/ha/dmrb/index.htm
  • It is also available from The Stationery Office at www.tso.co.uk/
Chapter 13

For the latest information on the design of transition curves, consult

  • Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, Volume 6 Road Geometry, Section 1 Links, Part 1 TD9/93 – incorporating Amendment No. 1 dated Feb 2002 – Highway Link Design. Jointly published by the Overseeing Organisations of England, ScotlandWales and Northern Ireland, that is, The Highways Agency, the Scottish Executive Development Department, The National Assembly for Wales (Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru) and The Department for Regional Development Northern Ireland. The manual can be accessed and printed from the Internet at: http://www.officialdocumentsco.uk/document/deps/ha/dmrb/index.htm
  • It is also available from The Stationery Office at www.tso.co.uk/
For the latest information on highway design software packages, consult

  • Software Systems, Electronic Surveying Supplement, Civil Engineering Surveyor , pp. 44–50, published by the Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors, Spring 2003. www.ices.org/
  • Fort, M. J. (2003) Surveying for geomatics software. Engineering Surveying Showcase 2003, No. 2, pp. 33–49. www.pvpubs.com/
Chapter 14

  • Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, Volume 6 Road Geometry, Section 1 Links, Part 1 TD9/93 – incorporating Amendment No. 1 dated Feb 2002 – Highway Link Design. Jointly published by the Overseeing Organisations of England, ScotlandWales and Northern Ireland, that is, The Highways Agency, the Scottish Executive Development Department, The National Assembly for Wales (Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru) and The Department for Regional Development Northern Ireland. The manual can be accessed and printed from the Internet at: www.officialdocumentsco.uk/document/deps/ha/dmrb/index.htm
  • It is also available from The Stationery Office at www.tso.co.uk
Chapter 15

  • For the latest information on computer-aided earthwork calculations, consult Software Systems, Electronic Surveying Supplement, Civil Engineering Surveyor , pp 58–63, published by the Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors, Spring 2004; www.ices.org.uk/
  • Fort, M. J. (2003) Surveying for geomatics software. Engineering Surveying Showcase 2003, No. 2, pp. 33–49. www.pvpubs.com/
