Data sets
Use the links below to download data sets to accompany the examples featured in the book.

Data files (.sav)

Log Transform Demo | sav file | (0.002Mb)

Independant t test | sav file | (0.001Mb)

Scale V1 | sav file | (0.003Mb)

Adoption Survey | sav file | (0.003Mb)

ANCOVA MANOVA for 5th edition | sav file | (0.004Mb)

Factor Analysis | sav file | (0.003Mb)

MANOVA | sav file | (0.001Mb)

ANCOVA | sav file | (0.002Mb)

Multiple Regression | sav file | (0.009Mb)

Krsukal-Wallis and Friedman test | sav file | (0.001Mb)

Three-Way Mixed Anova | sav file | (0.001Mb)

Two-Way Within -Subjects Anova | sav file | (0.002Mb)

One-Way Within -Subjects Anova | sav file | (0.001Mb)

Two-Way Between-Subjects Anova | sav file | (0.001Mb)

One-Way Between-Subjects Anova | sav file | (0.001Mb)

McNemar test | sav file | (0.001Mb)

Chi-Square Test | sav file |(0.002Mb)

Spearman’s rho correlation | sav file | (0.001Mb)

Pearson’s r correlation | sav file | (0.001Mb)

Mann-Whitney U test | sav file | (0.001Mb)

Paired t-test | sav file | (0.001Mb)
