

    An excellent blend of theory and practice. Something in it for management practitioners at all levels. The authors make good use of their experience of working in a variety of different countries, including Malaysia. The authors’ concepts of the managerial escalator, hybrid managers and the managerial gap are of fundamental importance to all those with managerial responsibility.

    - Tan Sri Arshad bin Ayub, Director of the Mara Institute of Technology, Malaysia

    The essence of a good managerial text book is that, in addition to being accurate and comprehensive, the subject matter is presented in a way that attracts and retains the attention of the reader. Rees and Porter satisfy to the full these criteria. What they have produced is not just an excellent text book for students but also a source of reference for practising managers seeking to keep up-to-date with current developments in their field.

    – Douglas Gourlay, Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University, UK

    A highly readable and practical book which describes the essential skills of management and brings them to life with skills development exercises and a wealth of examples and case studies from many occupations and work sectors. Its readership coverage is wide, ranging from graduate students to experienced managers and including the sometimes overlooked group of specialists/professionals whose careers grow progressively with managerial and staff responsibilities.

    - John Crosby, Former President of the UK Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, UK

    This book provides a comprehensive approach to the issues that confront the manager in the workplace. Not only are the managerial and leadership roles covered, but many of the tasks a manager regularly faces are discussed in depth, so that the reader learns how to achieve results ‘by getting things done through people’. The design of each chapter sets out clearly what will be covered and allows for assimilation of theory through case studies and activities. A book that takes a pragmatic approach to topics pertinent for today’s manager.

    - Dr Gill Sugden, Honorary Dean, Faculty of Business and Management, Nazeer Hussain University, Pakistan
