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Batch Means (Uses Fishman’s procedure to determine the batch size for the batch means confidence interval method – see section 10.3.1)
Compare Two (Comparison of results from two scenarios, using a paired-t approach and confidence interval for independent samples – see section 10.4.1)
Distributions (Shows shapes of continuous, discrete and approximate distributions with different parameters – see section 7.4 and appendix 5)
Multiple Comparisons (Comparison of results from more than two scenarios, using a paired-t approach and confidence interval for independent samples – see section 10.4.2)
Percentile (sorts the output data, draws a percentile plot and calculates the median, quartiles and percentiles of choice – see section 10.3.2)
Replications (Reports confidence intervals for independent replications – see section 9.7.1)
Run Length (Robinson’s convergence run-length method – see section 9.7.3)
Warmup (Time-series inspection and MSER method for determining the warm-up period – see section 9.6.1)