
Chapter 9 materials

References to the website

Website reference from page 246:

to see the alternative, activity-on-arrow, technique of drawing networks that is often used in construction and engineering projects.
Drawing and analysing networks using the activity-on-arrow technique
See here [to be added]

Website reference from page 253:

to access additional problems (with solutions) to practice and develop your network and Gantt chart drawing and analysis skills. [to be added]

Website reference from page 260:

for additional problems to practice and develop your schedule optimisation skills using resource smoothing and project crashing. [to be added]

Website reference from page 261:

to find a worksheet for MS Project to develop basic skills in preparation for attempting the questions at the end of Project Management in Action: Albion sugar Company.

MS Project worksheet

See here [to be added]

Self-assessment review questions and answers for Chapter 9

Please click here to start the quiz.
