
www.babson.edu/entrep/fer Babson College US – Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research website; latest research on entrepreneurship

www.bizmove.com/starting.htm The Small Business Knowledge Base – large, well-structured US-based resource

www.bplans.com Business planning software and guidance

www.businessadviceonline.org Small Business Service/Business Link website

www.businessbureau-uk.co.uk Useful small business resources, information and advice

www.businesslink.gov.uk Business Link website

www.businessplans.org Business plan center and library (US)

www.businesszone.co.uk UK-based small business information

www.centreforenterprise.co.uk Regional centre for enterprise – resources and discussion on enterprise education, research and practice

www.clearlybusiness.com Usable Barclays Bank owned site

www.enterweb.org Sources on entrepreneurship – mainly European

www.entrepreneur.com US business start-up website

http://entrepreneurship.mit.edu Entrepreneurship Center at MIT

www.entreworld.org Kauffman Foundation for Entrepreneurship: US information on business start and growth

www.europa.eu.int/comm/enterprise/entrepreneurship European Director General Enterprise website

www.fastlinksolutions.co.uk Business startup and planning site

www.gemconsortium.org Global Entrepreneurship Monitor – essential international research report on entrepreneurial development

www.heacademy.ac.uk/Employability.htm Higher Education academy resources on enterprise and employability

www.inc.com Based on Inc. magazine for entrepreneurs and small business owners; includes articles from the latest issue plus a searchable archive of about 4000 items

www.innovateur.co.uk Useful resource site for science/technology innovators and entrepreneurs

www.innovation.gov.uk UK government innovation site

www.managers.org.uk Institute of Management website useful for its Management Link directories of management skills and management sources

www.ncge.org.uk National Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship

www.ost.gov.uk UK government office for science and technology

www.patent.gov.uk Patent Office site useful for intellectual property information

http://peerspectives.org Entrepreneurial Edge – US information on business growth

www.prowess.org.uk Women’s enterprise support website

www.shell-livewire.org Shell Live Wire – helps those aged 16–30 start up their own businesses

www.smallbusinessportal.co.uk UK small business research portal

www.soyouwanna.com Fun site which includes information on how to write a business plan

www.startups.co.uk Site on how to start a business

www.toolkit.cch.com US business owners’ toolkit

www.zeromillion.com Business idea and opportunity evaluation

Social and not-for-profit entrepreneurship websites

www.ashoka.org Ashoka – social enterprise network

www.changemakers.net Changemakers – social enterprise network

www.globalideasbank.org Global Ideas Bank

www.leadertoleader.org Leadership site that replaces the former Peter Drucker Foundation for Non-profit Management

www.lincoln.ac.uk/lbs/research/erdu Enterprise Research and Development Unit at Lincoln University – academic base of Professor David Rae

www.sse.org UK School for Social Entrepreneurship
