
Culture & the Arts
    Component 21: Greek Theatre
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        > Further Reading
    Component 22: Imperial Image
        > General Resources
        > Quizzes
        > Further Reading
    Component 23: Invention of the Barbarian
        > General Resources
        > Quizzes
        > Further Reading
    Component 24: Greek Art
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        > Images
        > Quizzes
        > Further Reading

The World of the Hero

Beliefs & Ideas


General Resources


Scupltures and Vases

Click here for an interesting and detailed analysis of the Siphnian Treasury at Delphi that explores different identifications.


General Context

General on Art

Athenian Acropolis

Museums and Archaeological Sites

In the UK

The British Museum

The cast gallery at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford

The cast gallery at the Faculty of Classics at Cambridge

In Greece

The Acropolis at Athens

An overview of the site

The museum website

The museum website gallery

Virtual tour 1

Virtual tour 2

The National Museum in Athens

An overview of the Museum

The museum website

Other Museums

Delphi and the Archaeological Museum at Delphi

Olympia and the Archaeological Museum at Olympia

Eleusis and the Archaeological Museum at Eleusis

In Italy

Palazzo Massimo alle Terme

Vatican Galleries

In Germany

Glyptothek in Munich

CW icons in the book

Images of the other myths depicted at Selinus, as mentioned on p. 141, can be found here.