
Chapter by chapter guide

01-Introduction | Word Document | (0.15Mb)

02-Theoretical Approaches | Word Document | (0.17Mb)

03-Monarchical and Personal Rule | Word Document | (0.16Mb)

04-Establishing Military Rule | Word Document | (0.16Mb)

05-Establishing One-Party Rule | Word Document | (0.16Mb)

06-Consolidation, Legitimacy and Control | Word Document | (0.16Mb)

07-Non-Democratic Governance | Word Document | (0.16Mb)

08-Governance and State-Building | Word Document | (0.16Mb)

09-Democratization and Rationalization | Word Document | (0.17Mb)

10-A New Phase and Format: Disguised Dictatorship | Word Document | (0.16Mb)
