Mastering Arabic Series - About the series

About the series

The series teaches Modern Standard Arabic which is the universal language of the Arab world and consists of the two main courses and five companion books.

Main courses:

  1. Mastering Arabic 1
  2. Mastering Arabic 2

Companion books:

  1. Mastering Arabic 1 Activity Book
  2. Mastering Arabic 2 Activity Book
  3. Mastering Arabic Grammar
  4. Mastering Arabic Script
  5. Mastering Arabic Vocabulary and Pronunciation

Additional information:

  1.  Learning & teaching grid (.pdf)
  2.  g-and-w Publishing (External website)
Mastering Arabic 1
Mastering Arabic 1 is the most accessible, carefully-paced and lively introductory Modern Standard Arabic course on the market, and uses an effective tried and tested methodology which works for both classroom use and teach yourself learners. It offers lively dialogues, varied texts and exercises, and fascinating cultural insights - what you would expect from a modern Arabic language course but can't find!

The fourth edition of Mastering Arabic 1 comes with free audio and video, available on this website.

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Mastering Arabic 2
Mastering Arabic 2 provides an intermediate course that follows on from Mastering Arabic 1, but is ideal for any learner with some prior knowledge of Arabic.

The book is highly illustrated in full colour with photos and cartoons and comes with free audio and video online, available on this website.

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Mastering Arabic Activity Book
Mastering Arabic 1 Activity Book provides varied and imaginative practice material for all beginners in Arabic. It works perfectly as a companion to Mastering Arabic 1, but can equally well be used alongside any introductory course. The book is self-contained - there is no audio element.

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Mastering Arabic 2 Activity Book provides a range of activites and exercises to allow post-beginner learners of Arabic to continue improving. A great companion to Mastering Arabic 2, it can also be used with any other intermediate course, or by anyone with some prior knowledge of Arabic.

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Mastering Arabic Grammar
Mastering Arabic Grammar is a reference and activity grammar book for all beginners and early intermediate students of Arabic. The book reinforces and expands the structures and vocabulary presented in Mastering Arabic and is the ideal companion to this popular course. The book is divided into two parts: basis grammar and verbs. There are optional extra sections with explanations and activities covering the grammatical case endings used in formal, literary and religious Arabic.

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Mastering Arabic Script: A Guide to Handwriting
Mastering Arabic Script: A Guide to Handwriting teaches Arabic handwriting in the form universally used by adult native speakers (riq'a) and compares it with naskh, the usual printed form. There are three parts to the book covering: the basic letter shapes, combinations of letters and an additional extended writing section. The book features clear examples, a wealth of practice material, insider tips from a leading expert, and lively activities and photos.

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Mastering Arabic Vocabulary and Pronunciation
Mastering Arabic Vocabulary and Pronunciation. This highly illustrated textbook is both a reference and activity book for all beginners and early intermediate students of Arabic. As a reference book, it provides friendly theme-based vocabulary lists to perfect pronunciation through both listening and repetition. As an activity book, it helps absorb and practise vocabulary through a variety of engaging exercises.

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