
Table of Contents

Part One: The Changing Role Of Marketing

  1. The Marketing Concept
  2. The Market Orientation Concept
  3. The Impact of Globalization
  4. Emerging Values and Issues

Part Two: Understanding Customer Behaviour

  1. Customers' Needs Analysis
  2. The Customer Purchase Behaviour
  3. Measuring Customers' Response

Part Three: Implementing Strategic Marketing

  1. Needs Analysis Through Market Segmentation
  2. Market Attractiveness Analysis
  3. Company Competitiveness Analysis
  4. Market Targeting and Positioning Decisions
  5. Formulating a Marketing Strategy

Part Four: Implementing Operational Marketing

  1. New Product Decisions
  2. Brand Management
  3. Distribution Channel Decisions
  4. The Battle of the Brands in B2C Markets
  5. Pricing Decisions
  6. Marketing Communication Decisions
  7. Advertising Offline and Online Decisions

Part Five: Implementation Of Market-Driven Management

  1. Measuring Marketing Performance
  2. The Strategic and Operational Marketing Plan
