Table of contents
1. Why health economics?
Part I: Demand for health and health care
2. Demand for health care
3. Demand for health: the Grossman mode
4. Socioeconomic disparities in health
Part II: Supply of health care
5. The labor market for physicians
6. The hospital industry
Part III: Information economics
7. Demand for insurance
8. Adverse selection: Akerlof’s market for lemons
9. Adverse selection: the Rothschild–Stiglitz model
10. Adverse selection in real markets
11. Moral hazard
Part IV: Economics of health innovation 12. Pharmaceuticals and the economics of innovation
13. Technology and the price of health care
14. Health technology assessment
Chapter V: Health policy
15. The health policy conundrum
16. The Beveridge model: nationalized health care
17. The Bismarck model: social health insurance
18. The American model
19. Population aging and the future of health policy
Part VI: Public health economics
20. The economics of health externalities
21. Economic epidemiology
22. Obesity
Part VII: Behavioral health economics
23. Prospect theory
24. Time inconsistency and health