Table of Contents

1. Understanding Innovation And Innovation Management

  • Introduction
  • Understanding innovation
  • Understanding Innovation Managemen
  • The Innovation Pentathlon Framework
  • The Structure of this Book

2. Innovation In Context 

  • Introduction
  • Economics and Innovation
  • Drivers of Innovation
  • Industry Evolution
  • Market Evolution
  • Diffusion of Innovations
  • Open Innovation
  • Business Model Innovation

3. Service Innovation

  • Introduction
  • Services and the Economy
  • Generic Characteristics of Services
  • Characteristics by Sector
  • Services and the Pentathlon Framework

4. Developing An Innovation Strategy

  • Introduction
  • Tools for Strategic Analysis
  • Innovation Strategy and Customer Satisfaction
  • Value Innovation and Blue Ocean Strategy
  • Disruptive Technologies and Business Models
  • Strategy and Open Innovation
  • The Success Trap

5. Generating Innovative Ideas

  • Introduction
  • Managing the Fuzzy Front End
  • Stimulating Creativity
  • Managing Knowledge
  • Generating Customer Insights
  • Protecting the Value of Ideas

6. Selecting The Innovation Portfolio

  • Introduction
  • Principles of Portfolio Selection
  • Evaluating Individual Projects
  • Financial Assessment Methods
  • Non-Financial Assessment Methods
  • Balancing the Portfoli
  • Management Processes

7. Implementing Innovations

  • Introduction
  • Project Management Models
  • Project Management Methods
  • Organization Issues
  • Defining and Delivering Service Products
  • Recognizing and Overcoming Resistance

8. People Culture And Organization

  • Introduction
  • Organizational Culture and Innovation
  • People Management and Innovation
  • Team Structure and Innovation
  • Leadership and Innovation

9. Innovation Performance And Capability

  • Introduction
  • Assessing Innovation Performance and Capability
  • Innovation Capability – Making the Change
