
What’s so special about Global Sociology?

Global Sociology is the well-established and much-loved textbook by Robin Cohen and Paul Kennedy which introduces key sociological topics, themes and debates from a consistently global point of view. Deep connections are made between the ‘everyday’ and globalization, with focus on how individuals perceive, react to or cope with incoming global forces and incorporate them into their private micro worlds. Global Sociology:

  • Offers strong coverage of contemporary topics and events, such as the Arab Spring, intimacy, family and the environment

    Given the speed of change in the contemporary world, the engagement with current and recent events is admirable.
    - Mike Whittingham, Kingston University, UK

  • Makes deep connections between ‘everyday’ sociology and global sociology

    What particularly impressed me were the deep connections the authors have made between ‘everyday’ sociology and global sociology: the discipline has needed this for a while.
    - Shawn McEntee, Salisbury University, USA

  • Takes an unbiased approach which encourages critical thinking, optimism, and social consciousness

    Having taught global sociology for many years now, I was impressed and invigorated by the approach.
    - Daniel Levy, SUNY, USA

    This book is a significant achievement. There is a strong social conscience in this text, and attention paid to the impacts of globalisation on people who are vulnerable and the environment.
    - Anne Scott, University of Canterbury, New Zealand

  • Has an explicitly sociological focus alongside political, cultural, anthropological and economic debates and perspectives and highlights how concepts from these disciplines interact

    The ‘global’ is a primary focus throughout but lots of concepts from other disciplines appear and reappear. The authors highlight where issues have already been discussed (or will be discussed), demonstrating how they all interact and can’t neatly be separated.
    - Margery Mayall, University of Queensland, Australia
