
Praise for the third edition of Evolution and Human Behaviour:

    Evolution and Human Behaviour takes a satisfyingly broad view of the subject, going beyond the core topics covered in other textbooks. Particularly nice to see are chapters on the evolution of the hominin lineage, developmental plasticity and Darwinian medicine. Cartwright writes clearly and accessibly, but the level of discussion remains high. This book is recommended for students and instructors of evolution and human behaviour, as well as making a handy reference guide for more experienced scholars.

    -Dr Ian Stephen, Macquarie University, Australia

    This new edition provides a thorough overview of central topics in evolutionary psychology. The book contains a wealth of new research findings that will help students to understand complex issues. Readers will appreciate the author’s accessible writing style.

    -Professor Hans van de Braak, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands

    There is no clearer or more accessible introduction to Evolutionary Psychology than Cartwright's Evolution and Human Behaviour.

    -Dr Andrew Dunn, Nottingham Trent University, UK

    This is a timely update to John Cartwright’s delightful, comprehensive introductory text to evolutionary psychology. It is written with clarity and conciseness, and has snippets of cutting-edge research to illustrate the theoretical points. I was especially happy to see the inclusion of a chapter on Life History Theory, as well as the many learning features (e.g., glossary, chapter summaries, companion website). The latest edition of this book will definitely feature in the reading list for my undergraduate students.

    -Dr Minna Lyons, University of Liverpool, UK

    This is a well-written, easy-to-read book that provides a rounded and critical overview of evolutionary theory as applied to human behaviours. Unlike other evolutionary psychology texts, it does not have mate preferences as its primary focus, but provides coverage of diverse topics (e.g. incest avoidance, homosexuality, disease, brain development etc.) that will be of great interest to students across the social and biological sciences. It is always a delight to read something ‘new’ in text books, and the author has done an excellent job in providing interesting examples with which to support his arguments.

    -Dr Nick Neave, Northumbria University, U
