be able confidently to carry out arithmetic operations involving positive and negative numbers, fractions, decimals and percentages
have developed your ability to estimate roughly what the result of a calculation should be
know how to round numbers to a given number of decimal places or significant figures, and be able to make a sensible decision as to how many figures to quote in a practical context
be aware of a range of symbols for mathematical operations and understand their meanings
be comfortable in reading and writing arithmetical expressions, and understand the technical terminology which is used in this context.
Chapter 7 - Solving practical problems with mathematics
be able to translate practical problems expressed verbally into a mathematical format, to use mathematical ideas to solve the problem, and to interpret your solution in the practical terms of the original problem
be aware of the simplifications which may take place in making the transition from a practical to a mathematical format
be aware of the potential limitations on the extent to which the mathematical solution may be practically useful.