
Praise for the new edition

Academics from around the world are already raving about this latest offering from Paul Burns. Read their thoughts below.

    A fantastic text for a teacher looking at ways of motivating students and helping them learn in an experiential manner. The cases, questions, activities and theoretical descriptions are presented in an attractive and clear structure, which makes my life as a teacher easier.

    - Mayank Golpelwar, Hochschule Bremen, Germany

    This is an excellent text on theory and practice of entrepreneurship and the author captures the essence of the same very well and presents a range of extremely useful cases to support the theory. The text is informative, educational, stimulating, easy to read and follow, and provides a rich blend of knowledge relevant to students at all levels.

    - Matthew Shafaghi, University of Bolton, UK

    This is one of the most useful texts on new business development that combines the academic background with a template for new business planning, implementation and growth. As such it fits both academic entrepreneurial requirements and uses appropriate cases to supplement the text. The supplementary material is first class. I will be recommending it to those of my MBA Capstone students both in the UK and wider afield who are looking at new business development whether as an entrepreneur or intrapreneur.

    - Christopher Firth, Oxford Brookes University, UK

    This book is a "must have" for any student who is interested in entrepreneurship and small business management. It provides a comprehensive overview on all issues related to the set-up of a new business. The cases help students to gain deeper insights into the conceptual issues outlined in the chapters. Practice insights make the learning process more vivid.

    - Carolin Decker, Faculty of Business Studies and Economics, University of Bremen, German

    [This book] is a pleasure to read and looks absolutely fantastic - it's one of those textbooks that I as a student would have liked to read.

    - Matthias Waldkirch, Jönköping International Business School, Sweden

    Another great text from Paul Burns. This new edition updates much of what was so good about previous editions and also brings in key concepts from his New Venture Creation text.

    - Dr Alex Gillet, York Management School, University of York, UK

    An excellent update to a very popular small business textbook. I've been a fan since the first edition in 2001. I love the clear layout and contemporary design and feel to this edition. Lots of interesting case studies and examples. I like the path the book takes from start-up to growth and maturity. A solid textbook for any small business module and course at undergraduate and postgraduate level.

    - Tim Savage, Cardiff School of Management, Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK

    The book's pedagogic approach is great. Also, the layout and the practical examples are excellent

    - Michel Charifzadeh, International University of Applied Sciences, Reutlingen, Germany

    A fantastic text for a teacher looking at ways of motivating students and helping them learn in an experiential manner. The cases, questions, activities and theoretical descriptions are presented in an attractive and clear structure, which makes my life as a teacher easier.

    - Mayank Golpelwar, Hochschule Bremen, Germany

    This text is well structured, following the life cycle of small business start-up, growth and maturity. It is highly engaging and has a comprehensive coverage of key topics in start-up entrepreneurship. Its practical approach provides useful guidance to students, and the cases and videos are valuable resources for lecturers.

    - Catherine Wang, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK

    Yet another masterpiece by Paul Burns. The book touches on contemporary issues in the field of entrepreneurship and it does so by bringing in the contexts of both advanced and developing economies. It covers key concepts from business idea, start-up to growth and maturity in a unique fashion. The cases it uses to illustrate this will make it easier for students to assimilate entrepreneurship-related concepts while stimulating debate.

    - Amon Simba, Nottingham Trent University, UK

    After nearly 25 years in business and almost 16 years teaching the subject, this must rank as one of the most comprehensive books in the area of entrepreneurship and small business management that I have come across. It covers a wide array of very pertinent topics and should leave the reader with a thorough understanding as well as a useful set of tools and techniques to succeed in modern day business.”

    - Shafeek Sha, Rhodes University, South Africa

    A very relevant and practical handbook to inspire students in their entrepreneurial journey. Explanation on entrepreneurship theories is clear and thought provoking, to encourage discussions among the students and instructors. The best part is that it has many cases and insights from all over the world; I will enjoy sharing these stories with my students!

    - Poh Yen Ng, Dubai Men’s College, United Arab Emirates

    Yet another superb book authored by Professor Paul Burns. I hesitate to refer to this as a “textbook” as I believe one of its great strengths lies in its utility to a variety of audiences including students, aspiring entrepreneurs and those already immersed in start-ups and new ventures.

    The text is structured perfectly insofar as it seeks to progress the reader from an understanding of entrepreneurship and its role as an engine of economic growth, through to ideation, start-up, growth and maturity. Far too many texts focus on the very earliest stages of entrepreneurial ventures and ignore the pitfalls of developing a sustainable small business.

    Professor Burns has again brought to bear an inimitable writing style that effectively conveys vital information in a highly readable format. Case insights and practice insights are summarized appropriately for ease of reference and are used to illustrate and clarify key points in the preceding content, with focused accompanying questions which serve to reinforce imortant learning objectives.

    Clearly, acknowledging the international nature of entrepreneurship, Professor Burns draws on exemplars from around the globe and includes a variety of industry sectors to illustrate specific and important issues that entrepreneurs are confronted with as their businesses are born, develop, thrive and, unfortunately sometimes fail.

    It is an exceptional treatise that I fully expect to use in my teaching, not only for undergraduate and graduate level students, but also as I mentor those involved in development stage small businesses.”
    - Zahed Subhan, Drexel University, USA
