
Useful websites

This is the website of the union movement in the US. The ‘Executive Paywatch’ section allows user to compare their wage with the salary of their firm’s CEO as well as to get more general information on executive remuneration.

This section of the CalPERS website explains the pension fund’s approach to investment and its thoughts on the use of ‘voice’.

The website of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations includes articles on public relations and reports on various aspects of communication in the Research and reports section of the site.

This section of the European Commission website offers information on how work on corporate governance contributes to the single market for goods and services in the EU. It includes links to reports and statements issued by the European Corporate Governance Forum.

The website of the European Corporate Governance Institute offers an index of codes published all round the world, not just in Europe. This is a useful resource, allowing the user to check the provenance of codes and see how they have developed over time.

The website of the European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association includes links to data and research on the impact of private equity in Euro

This website brings together information on curbs on board remuneration which are part of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) in the US.

The corporate governance section of the Financial Reporting Council’s website explains the philosophy behind the codes issued in the UK as well as links to the codes themselves and reviews and consultations on those codes.

This website provides a wealth of information on governance-related topics that are relevant in the MENA countries.

This part of the HM Treasury website explains how good governance is practiced in central government in the UK.

This section of the website of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales offers useful links to information on both corporate and audit firm governance.

The website of the International Corporate Governance Network provides links to useful publications and advice on best practice.

The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators is the professional association for company secretaries, who play a vital role in corporate governance. Among other resources the site explains how good disclosure is assessed in making the ICSA Hermes Transparency in Governance Awards to companies.

The website of the International Finance Corporation explains the kind of consultancy services offered by the IFC and illustrates the importance of sound governance in contributing to economic development.

The website of the Institute of Directors in the UK includes a useful section on policy including corporate governance, and features on director training

The website of the Investor Relations Society includes resources available to download in the IR Best Practice section.

The National Association of Corporate Directors was formed in 1977 to provide resources for the directors of American companies. This site offers access to a variety of materials on corporate governance as seen from the perspective of directors.

The corporate governance section of the OECD website allows access to a number of useful publications on the governance issues faced by companies in developing economies.

This fascinating website provides information on corporate scandals of all kinds, and should help you to appreciate why regulation has changed so much during the last 30 years.

By following the link from Economy to share ownership you can access information on share ownership in the UK. Comparable information for Europe is available at http://www.fese.eu.

This website operated by Transparency International offers a wealth of resources on corruption including access to data on the Corruption Perceptions Index.
