This page contains to some of the online interactive tests and assessment tools that are discussed in the book.
Covin and Slevin (1989) developed a nine-item instrument to measure entrepreneurial orientation covering innovativeness, risk-taking and pro-activeness. Each dimension was covered by three questions with responses measured on a seven-point Likert scale. It is available on
An assessment tool that allows you to see where you fall on Erin Meyer’s eight scales for measuring an individual’s culture is free to use on It also provides a comparison with the typical result from your own country, allowing you to see the cultural profile of your own country
Sashkin’s Leader Behaviour Questionnaire is a 360-degree assessment instrument that measures visionary leadership behaviours, characteristics and contextual effects. It needs to be filled out by between three and six colleagues. It is available on
Kirton Adapter-Innovator (KAI) – This is a test that distinguishes between the two cognitive thinking styles described in the book: right-brain innovators (System 1) and left-brain adaptors (System 2). It uses a test, consisting of 32 questions, to assess the different dimensions of creativity, including originality, attention to detail and following rules. The scores range from 32 to 160 – one in the 60–90 range indicates an adaptive cognitive style and a score in the 110–140 range indicates an innovative style. Neither style is seen as ‘better’ than the other, each score is only different and complementary in the context of problem-solving and team working. The test is available at:
AULIVE – This is a free-to-use online test, consisting of 40 questions, that measures the respondent’s preferred general creativity across eight dimensions. The test is available at: