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Freire, P. (1972), Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Harmondsworth, Penguin
Huntington , S. (1991), The Third Wave: Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
Kiernan, V. (1972), The Lords of Human Kind: European Attitudes to the Outside World in the Imperial Age, Harmondsworth, Penguin.
Lipton, M. and J. van der Gaag eds (1993), Including the poor : proceedings of a symposium organized by the World Bank and the International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington DC, World Bank Regional and Sectoral Studies
Lipton, M. (1977), Why Poor People Stay Poor, Temple Smith, London
Migdal, J. (1988) Strong Societies and Weak States: State-Society Relations and State Capabilities in the Third World,Princeton, Princeton University Press.
Nkrumah, K. (1965), Neo-colonialism: The Last Stage of Imperialism, London, Thomas Nelson.
Smillie, I. (1995), The Alms Bazaar: Altruism Under Fire: Non-Profit Organizations and International Development, IDRC /ITDG Publishing
The Development Gateway maintains a governance webpage:
This chapter from an FAO publication Marketing Research and Information Systems provides a good description of Rapid Rural Appraisal:
This chapter from the FAO publication, Improving Agricultural Extension, explains Participatory Rural Appraisal:
The Ecumenical Program on Central America and the Caribbean provides some insight into the philosophy behind Christian base Communities:
The Global Policy Forum has a webpage devoted to non-government organizations:
The Centre for the Study of Global Governance, based at the London School of Economics, contains useful information on non-government organizations as well as governance and globalization issues: