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Summary of Key Narratives for Each Chapter - Word Document (0.029MB)
Interactive Timelines
Explore these timelines for a chronological breakdown of the major events throughout each phase of the conflict. These correspond to each chapter covered in the book, so you can use these as an additional resource to compliment your studying.
Timeline 1 - The Formative Years
Timeline 3 - Under the Cold War
Timeline 4 - Developments leading to the 1967 War
Timeline 5 - From Limited War to Limited Accommodation
Timeline 6 - Camp David and the Lebanon War
Timeline 7 - The First Intifada to Oslo
Timeline 8 - Failures of Implementation of the Madrid Conference
Timeline 9 - Oslo’s State-building and Peacemaking
Timeline 10 - The Failure of Permanent Status Negotiations
Timeline 11 - The Second Intifada
Timeline 12 - From the Second Lebanon War to Abraham Accords