
Misc sections

There are many competitions which you can enter to put your skills to the test. Some of the more well known competitions are listed below with links to web content where available.


General mooting website

The European Law Court Moot Competition

The Oxford University Press Mooting Competition

Beachcroft Mooting Shield

The English-Speaking Union Mooting Competition (ESU)

The Inner Temple Mooting Competition

The Weekly Law Reports Mooting Competition

The Thomas A. Findley Mooting Competition (run by University College Dublin)

The United Kingdom Environmental Law Association Mooting Competition


The Negotiation Competition http://www.cedr.com/skills/competition/


The Client Interviewing Competition http://www.clientinterviewing.com/

Clinic conferences

There are numerous conferences relevant to clinical legal education, some of the key conferences are noted below.

  • Association of Law Teachers Annual Conference (ALT): the annual conference of the ALT focuses on legal teaching, learning and related scholarship. See www.lawteacher.ac.uk.
  • International Journal of Clinical Legal Education Conference (IJCLE): this annual conference focuses solely on clinic and related issues and gathers delegates from all over the world (www.ijcle.com).
  • Learning in Law Annual Conference (LILAC): this annual conference organised by the UK Centre for Legal Education is a broad based learning and teaching conference which attracts a significant number of clinical teachers and related presentations (http://www.ukcle.ac.uk/).
  • Clinical Legal Education Organisation Conference (CLEO): CLEO organises ad hoc conferences and has recently arranged a bi-annual UK focused stream at the IJCLE conference.
  • LawWorks Student Pro Bono Conference (LawWorks): this biannual training conference organised by the solicitors pro bono charity is aimed at law students and law school staff and covers many topics relating to student pro bono activities (www.lawworks.org.uk).
  • Public Interest Law Institute European Pro Bono Forum (PILI): this conference is aimed at lawyers, NGOs and academics and provides an international comparative perspective on pro bono practice in Europe (www.pili.org).
  • Innocence Network UK national training conference (INUK): this annual conference is devoted to training students and lecturers who are involved in or wish to establish an Innocence Project (http://www.innocencenetwork.org.uk/events.htm).
